Fixed a bug in the ScalarDriver class which prevented the use of custom drivers with no arguments.
Small fixes to the noise interfaces and resistance functions.
Documentation updates: added a tutorial on custom dipole interactions + interface fixes and typing.
Extended the Stack models allowing for non-symmetric coupling between devices.
Stack current drivers can now be of any type and are adequately scaled.
Custom definition of the ScalarDriver is now possible and documented.
Fixed a bug in the Stack class which inverted the connection order of in-series connections.
Exposed IDMI interaction to Layer and Junction classes.
Added getLayer method to the Junction class and getJunction method to the Stack class that return a reference to the object.
Fixed and expanded the reservoir module. Now, GroupInteraction can use any dipole interaction function, with 3 provided as default: computeDipoleInteraction, computeDipoleInteractionNoumra and nullDipoleInteraction (0 dipole tensor).
Dipole interaction added to the SB Model
Kasdin 1/f noise generator added to the noise module and to the solvers
Reworking the solvers for better performance and stability
Added a simple noise model to the utils class. It exists outside standard simulation procedures.
Added LLGB bindings and code. The solver is still WIP and doesn't integrate with more advanced features yet.
Added aliases for ScalarDriver -- for example, instead of calling ScalarDriver.getConstantDriver, you can now call constantDriver directly to create a constant driver.
Improve stub detection across editors and IDEs
Adding a basic optimisation script in the optimization module.
Streamlit optimization updates.
Adding new, dynamic symbolic model compatible with Solver class. It is now possible to use the Solver class with LayerDynamic to solve the LLG equation.
Added tests for procedures and operators.
Added missing operators for CVector class in Python.
CVector is now subscriptable.
Added new CVector and AxialDriver initialisations.
VSD and PIMM procedures accept additional new parameters.
Added some optimization utilities like coordinate_descent.
Added a streamlit service for an example PIMM simulation.
Added new ScalarDrivers -- Gaussian impulse and Gaussian step.
CVector got extra functionality in Python bindings. Operators are now supported.
Domain Wall dynamics is now also for 2 layer systems. Added edge potential.
SB model generalised for N layers.
Adding DW dynamics 1D model with dynamic drivers. (Numba optimised)
Adding SB model for energy-based FMR computation. Gradient computed using Adam optimiser.
Moving resistance functions from utils to resistance
Introducing docs updates for tutorial notebook (dark/light toggle works now).
Reservoir computing is now exposed in Python in the reservoir computing module.
Oersted field computation helper class in cmtj/models/ Basic functionality is there, but needs to be further tested and documented. Next release potentially will move the computation to C++ for speed.
Added Heun (2nd order) solver and made it default for thermal computation. This is a more stable solver than the Euler solver, but is slower. The Euler solver is still available as an option.
Stack class now supports arbitrary layer ids to be coupled.
Extended the plotting capabilities of the Stack class. Now supports plotting of the magnetic field and the current density.
Added alternative STT formulation which in some cases may be useful.